backyard chickens
Backyard Chicken Class
Thinking about raising backyard chickens and dont know where to start or currently raising chickens and want to learn more? Free Comprehensive class on all you need to know to raise a happy and healthy flock of chickens in your backyard. Bill Dougherty, co-owner of Trinity Haymarket will present the talk and brings 40+ years of caring for and raising fowl. Please rsvp at info@trinityhaymarket or call the store at 214 202-2163 to sign up for the class.. Come early at 10 am and enjoy coffee and light breakfast snacks.
Raising Backyard Chickens
Bill Dougherty, co-owner of Trinity Haymarket will lead a class starting at 10 am on how to raise backyard chickens. Topics will include evolution, breeds, housing, nutrition, use of BIOPOD, and benefits just to name a few.. Coffee and light breakfast will be available starting at 9:30 am. Class is free but we appreciate rsvp's by calling 214 202-2163 or by email: [email protected]. Located at 1715 Market Center BLvd Dallas, 75207 (North side of building entrance).
Raising Backyard Chickens
Bill Dougherty, co-owner of Trinity Haymarket will present a free class on basics of raising backyard chickens. With over 50 years of experience raising fowl and poultry, Bill will cover topics of origin, best breeds for backyard, housing and supply concerns, nutrition, surviving bad weather and benefits. Please rsvp by email: [email protected] or calling 214 202-2163. Located at Dallas,75207
Good fodder for Oxen: No.2 What's all the fuss about broody hens?
We get the question all the time....."my hen's gone broody; what do I do?" This response is definitely our personal opinion and may not be the answer you're looking for. So as not to put our cart before our horse, let's define why we keep heritage breeds as opposed to commercial egg laying machines. For the most part, here at our place, we see it as part of our mission to promote the keeping of breeds that have graced the door yards of North America and western Europe for hundreds of years.
Pullet Sale and Talk on Raising Backyard Chickens
Come by and see the 5 beautiful pullet breeds Trinity Haymarket is selling starting at 10 am until sold out. Breeds include Silver and Gold Laced Wyandottes, Mottled Javas, Speckled Sussex, and Black Australorps. Featured Speaker for the day will be our very own co-owner and long-time chicken enthusiast Bill Dougherty. Topics to include housing, feeding,bedding options, breeds, and predator control. Please RSVP at [email protected] or call . Hope to see you there!! Don't forget to bring your own pet carrier/cage etc.