chicken feed
Raising Backyard Chickens
Bill Dougherty, co-owner of Trinity Haymarket will lead a class starting at 10 am on how to raise backyard chickens. Topics will include evolution, breeds, housing, nutrition, use of BIOPOD, and benefits just to name a few.. Coffee and light breakfast will be available starting at 9:30 am. Class is free but we appreciate rsvp's by calling 214 202-2163 or by email: [email protected]. Located at 1715 Market Center BLvd Dallas, 75207 (North side of building entrance).
If you want to start a backyard chicken flock or have one and want to learn more come hear Bill Dougherty, co-owner of Trinity Haymarket present a lecture on raising a backyard flock. You will learn about the best breeds, feed choices, housing and best ways to care for a backyard flock. Class starts at 10 am preceded by light breakfast at 9:30 am. Class is free but reservations are required by calling 214 202-2163 or sending us an email at [email protected]